Nikita’s Approach to their practice & work

Nikita (she/they) has a vast and varied background working and volunteering within the non-profit sector, previously working within employability & work experience (especially concerning NEET students and those from low-income backgrounds), chronic illness & mental health (with a focus on minoritised individuals and communities), humanitarian innovation (within global emergency contexts) and the creation & facilitation of safe spaces for individuals with intersectional identities.

Nikita’s work is based on lived experience and centred within the diaspora. They believe everyone has a story to tell – especially intersectional folks who are natural storytellers. Elitism and colonialism have created an environment where some stories are upheld as more important than others (just look at the western canon of literature). Nikita centres writing practice within the spaces that they curate intentionally, to turn that notion of importance on its head – the stories from the diaspora & intersectional folks are powerful, and needed. We should all be confident in telling them.